2004 Canyon Photo Pages

Feb 1 - Wolgan Area

Feb 7-8 - Wollangambe Wilderness

Feb 14-15 - Newnes Canyons

Feb 22 - Wolgan Canyons

Feb 29 - Mt Hay Canyon

March 6-7 - Wolgan Canyons

March 20-21 - Wolgan Canyons

March 28 - Claustral Canyon - no photos (I took digital video)

April 3-4 - Surefire Canyon and another Wolgan Canyon. Chris has some photos here and here

May 22 - Newnes Plateau

September 12 - Wolgan Canyons - I took video, A short clip (3 MB) of the fourth abseil can be viewed here. Chris has some photos here

September 25 - A Newnes Canyon - On a bushwalk - we visited this nice canyon

October 6 - 8 - Exploratory Canyoning - Numietta - Coorongooba Area. Two short video clips can be found here (3.8 MB) and here (4MB)

October 10 - Canyoning in the Gardens of Stone. Audrey's images can be found here.

October 17 - Two South Wolgan Canyons

October 23 - A South Wolgan Canyon

November 7 - Two canyons in the Wollangambe Wilderness

November 20 - 21 - Northern Blue Mts Canyoning. Partly exploratory.

November 27 - 28 - Festival of Canyons - Newnes. Newnes Canyon, Devils Pinch Canyon. Tom Brennan visited some other canyons on the Festival weekend and his images can be found here.

December 4 - Claustral Canyon (photos and some movie clips). A selection of Tom's images can be found here, and James has some images here. Chris has some images here

December 11 - Mt Hay Canyon

December 12 - Wollangambe Canyon (Tourist Section)

December 18 - The Grand Canyon was visited before heading down to the Coxs River for a party

December 22 - Claustral Canyon

December 23 - Hole in the Wall Canyon

December 26 - 30 - Coorongooba Area Canyon Exploration