The Three Brothers to Blacks Ladders Walk – 2 August 2020

Enmoore organised this walk. It was one I had suggested a while back as being well worth doing. This was after doing it back in 2017. In the party were Enmoore, Wendy, Martin, Steffy and myself. And special thanks to Wendy for picking me up at Queens Road after an overnight bushwalk.

We started out at Delmonte Avenue at Medlow Bath, and then followed the  fire road that leaves he avenue about 100 m from the highway down towards an old flying fox. On the way, we turned off and followed a track to The Three Brothers. Our plan was to descend to the half way ledge and then follow that to Blacks Ladders in the new Ngula Bulgarabang Regional Park.

We soon reached the Three Brothers. These are a rock formation like the better known Three Sisters, but they are not as spectacular.

We then descended to the half way ledge not far below. We were able to follow a rough track down and then all the way to the ladders.

Most of the way the going was quite easy, and very scenic.

Here is a small patch of Sprengelia monticola

on the way we passed quite a few climbing areas.

We soon reached Back Creek Falls. There are two branches to this creek, and so there are two waterfalls, but only one of these is easy to see –

Its an impressive drop. It is crossing these creeks that the going is a little rougher.

Here is a Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo

And a Red-browed Treecreeper

Here is a new looking back –

And a little further on we could look back at the impressive Back Creek Falls.

This tree, an Angophora costata, is interesting – it has two branches that later join together.

Some sections are a little slower –

We spotted some Glossy Black Cockatoos. Here is one –

And then we found nice sunny spot for lunch. While we were eating, a Grey Goshawk briefly flew above us.

At a final climbing area, we followed the ledge around, and then scrambled down to a creek, and climbed up the other side to reach the track to Blacks Ladders. It would have been better to have followed climbers track to the Blacks Ladders track rather than try and go the direct way.

We then walked down the track to the ladders –

And then it was back up along the track to what used to be called the Radiata Plateau, but since a recent state government acquisition, it is now Ngula Bulgarabang Regional Park.

We found some more Glossy Black Cockatoos. But they seemed more interested in eating rather than being photographed.

Further along near the gate was a King Parrot.

It would have been better to have organised a car shuffle. We had to walk back to Medlow Bath. The first part was along the quiet Explorers Road to the Great Western Highway. There we could follow the “Grand Clifftop Walk” – which is another name for the cycleway that runs next to the highway.

There were some nice wildflowers, butt here was also a lot of rubbish thrown out by motorists. It was also very noisy with the constant stream of cars and trucks.

But it had been a very pleasant and scenic day out. This was a walk nice to repeat.

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