Claustral Canyon - 27 February 2010

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - John, Chuin Nee, Col, Dave

Above - fungi on the way in

Above - canyon formation just near the abseils into the Black Hole of Calcutta

Above - We are held up for a while by another party. They too were enjoying the canyon in beautiful conditions.

Above - One of the other party on the first abseil down Calcutta Falls

Above - another member of the other party

Above - and now its our turn - Chuin Nee on the first abseil

Above - Chuin Nee then swims to the top of the second abseil

Above - Chuin Nee on the second abseil

Above - Looking down the second abseil

Above - Chuin Nee collecting the first rope to set it up on the third abseil

Above - Col on the second abseil

Above - canyon formation - looking up in the Keyhole Chamber

Above - a member of the other party on the third abseil

Above - great canyon formation - looking down the third abseil

Above - John at the bottom of the second abseil

Above - we spot a rope hanging down into the Keyhole Chamber. I later find out it it belongs to canyoners unfamiliar with the canyon - they had abseiled in from the side of the Camels Hump - and their rope did not make it all the way down - presumably they abseiled a short way off the end? Luckily for them - there was a party below that had just finished the third abseil, and were pulling down their rope. They quickly grabbed the rope and asked if they could use it for the abseil.

Chuin Nee climbed onto my shoulders and was able to grab the hanging rope - but it would not budge. I wonder who will find it from the top and remove it from the canyon?

Above - Chuin Nee on the third asbeil

Above - Chuin Nee just before the Ranon Junction

Above - John in the canyon

Above - canyon formation

Above - canyon formation

Above - John and Col

Above - John and Col

Above - John and Col

Above - canyon formation

Above - canyon formation

Above - canyon formation

Above - Chuin Nee in the canyon

Above - Chuin Nee in the canyon

Above - canyon formation

Above - canyon formation

Above - canyon formation

Above - canyon formation

Above - canyon formation

Above - Chuin Nee in the canyon

Above - Chuin Nee in the canyon

Above - canyon formation

Above - Chuin Nee in the canyon

Above - Chuin Nee in the canyon

Above - Col and John waiting for the photo-pfaffers

Above - in the canyon

Above - in the canyon

Above - falling droplets caught in a sunbeam

Above - John in the canyon

Above - canyon formation

Above - canyon formation

Thunder Canyon

Above - canyon formation - Thunder Canyon

Above - canyon formation - Thunder Canyon

Above - Ol's Overhang

Above - having lunch at Ol's Overhang

Above - Chuin Nee in the canyon

Above - Chuin Nee in the canyon - just before the Tunnel Swim

The next day, John, Chuin Nee and myself, joined up with Albert and visited Whungee Wheengee Canyon in the Wollangambe Wilderness near Mt Wilson

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