Sassafras Gully - 22 January 2016

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

I had visited Sassafras Gully a short time earlier and that had been a very nice trip. On this trip, I took advantage of recent rain to photograph waterfalls close to the Victory Track from Faulconbridge. I walked to the junction of Sassafras Gully and Glenbrook Creek and after a swim and lunch I headed to Springwood via the track to Sassafras Gully Road.

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Clarinda Falls

Above - Clarinda Falls

Above - Clarinda Falls

Above - Clarinda Falls

Above - Clarinda Falls

Above - Jelly Fungi - Tremella mesenterica

Above - Numantia Falls

Above - Numantia Falls

Above - Cyptotrama asprata

Above - Boletellus emodensis

Above - Boletellus emodensis

Above - Numantia Creek

Above - Numantia Creek

Above - Numantia Creek

Above - Gymnopus eucalyptorum

Above - Omphalotus nidiformis

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Glenbrook Creek

Above - Glenbrook Creek

Above - Sassafras Gully Track

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