Kiama Coastal Walk - Minnamurra to Kiama - 8 December 2017

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - Dave Hufton, Dave N

Above - Superb Fairy Wren

Above - Minnamurra Point and Stack Island

Above - The Minnamurra River flows into the sea

Above - Bluffs at Minnamurra Point

Above - Latite

Above - Pied Cormorant

Above - David H photographs Stack Island

Above - Perhaps an Australasian Pipit

Above - Dyke

Above - Jones Beach at Kiama Downs

Above - Cathedral Rocks - Sea Stacks

Above - Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos

Above - Cathedral Rocks - Sea Stacks

Above - Looking south to Bombo Head

Above - Cathedral Rocks - Sea Stacks

Above - Stack Island

Above - The Boneyard

Above - Looking to Kiama Lighthouse from Bombo Head

Above - Latite

Above - Bombo Quarry. Note the dyke in the foreground

Above - Superb Fairy Wren

Above - Bombo Beach and Bombo Head

Above - The Blowhole at Kiama

Above - The Blowhole at Kiama

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