Lawson and Hazelbrook - Fungi and Waterfalls 10 May 2014

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission

This was a walk from Lawson to Hazelbrook in the Blue Mountains. I walked first to Adelina Falls, Junction Falls, Federal Falls and Cataract Falls at Lawson, then along a fire trail to the Terrace Falls Track -where I completed a circuit to Victor Falls, Terrace Falls and Bedford Pool

Above - Mycena mulawaestris near Adelina Falls

Above - Very tiny Vibrissea dura

Above - Mycena mulawaestris

Above - Artomyces colensoi

Above - Boletellus obscurecoccineus

Above - Ramaria sp

Flame Fungus (Clavaria miniata) - looking a bit old

Above - Clavaria miniata

Above - Clavaria miniata

Above - Small cascade between Federal Falls and Cataract Falls

Above - Nearby hazard reduction burn

Above - Small cascade near Terrace Falls

Above - Small cascade near Terrace Falls

Above - Terrace Falls

Above - Terrace Falls

Above - Waterfall below Terrace Falls

Above - Willawong Pool - Bedford Ck

Above - Bedford Pool

Above - Hypholoma fasciculare

Above - Nearby hazard reduction burn

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