Tasmania - The Overland Track - 14 - 27 April 2014

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Windy Ridge - Pine Valley (20 - 21 April)

Above - Ramaria capitata

Above - Cephissus Falls

Above - Cephissus Creek

Above - Cephissus Creek

Above - Dawn - Mt Gould from Pine Valley

Above - Frozen pools

Above - Cephissus Creek

Above - Cephissus Creek

Above - Clavaria miniata

Above - Clavaria amoena

Above - Clavaria amoena

Above - Cephissus Falls

Above - Cephissus Falls

Above - Cephissus Creek

Above - Cephissus Falls

Above - Cephissus Falls

Above - Cephissus Creek

Above - Cephissus Creek

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Hygrocybe lewellinae

Above - Hygrocybe schistophila

Above - Mycena interrupta

Above - Hypholoma sp

Above - Artomyces austropiperatus

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