Tasmania - The Overland Track - 14 - 27 April 2014

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Pelion - Pelion Gap (16 - 17 April)

Above - Douglas Creek behind the Ranger's Hut

Above - Lurking in the bushes was an echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus)

Above - Pelion West

Above - Mt Oakleigh

Above - Mt Ossa and Pelion Hut

Above - Mt Oakleigh (and Cradle Mountain just visible)

Above - Next morning

Above - Pandanis (Richea pandanifolia)

Above - nice forest on the way to Pelion Gap

Above - the platform at Pelion Gap (which is often used to feed to local currawongs....)

Above - Its still a bit misty - will it be OK on top of Mt Ossa?

Above - Mt Ossa (in the mist) and nearby Mt Doris

Above - cushion plants

Above - Pinestone Valley and peaks of the Du Cane Range

Above - Looking up at Mt Ossa (somewhere up there....)

Above - Dolerite columns

Above - on the summit of Mt Ossa

Above - A mosaic of cushion plants

Above - Looking back down the ascent route (a good track)

Above - the mist was clearing so I waited

Above - Honey joined me on top

Above - Honey in the distance going for the summit

Above - the Du Cane Range to the south - now out of the mist

Above - Honey on the summit

Above - Honey on the summit

Above - On the way down - looking back at Mt Ossa from the side of Mt Doris

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