Overland Track - Tasmania - January 1997

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Page 1 - Cradle Mountain - Barn Bluff - Windemere - West Pelion - Mt Oakleigh - Thetis-Ossa Saddle - Mt Ossa

Party - Rob Hynes, Paul Southcott, Dave Noble

On this trip we tried to spend a bit of time in the Pelion Range, which we did, but we also did a traverse of the Du Cane Range.

Cradle Mountain and Barn Bluff

Above - Looking south towards the peaks of the Pelion Range

Above - On the track, near Barn Bluff

Above - Duck-busting, Barn Bluff


Pelion Range

Above - Rob on the summit pinnacle - Pelion West

Above - Looking along the Pelion Range from the summit of Pelion West. It is quick easy going all the way to Mt Achilles.

Above - Barn Bluff and Cradle Mountain

Above - Paul on Mt Oakleigh

Above - Pelion West, Barn Bluff and Cradle Mtn

Above - Mt Oakleigh Pinnacle Ridge

Above - our camp in the Thetis - Ossa Saddle

Above - Mt Ossa from Mt Thetis

Above - Pelion East

Above - Peaks of the Eldon Range

Mt Ossa

Above - On the way up

Above - On top

Above - Looking back towards Mt Thetis

Above - Looking ahead to Pelion East

Above - Looking south to the Du Cane Range

Continue to Page 2 - Pelion East and the Du Cane Range

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