Five Day Trip to Junction Creek - January 1980

All images  © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - Col Gibson, Rod Costigan, Dave Noble

This was supposed to be a tend day trip to the Arthurs  - but we had a lot of rain and ended up spending 5 days sitting out nad weather at Junction Creek - and then realised that it was not going to fine up - so we headed back to Scotts Peak dam and hitched to Hobart.

Above - At Scotts Peak Dam - Rainbows are suppose to be signs of the end of bad weather, hmmm.....

Above - We spent the night in an old construction shed. We had met up with four other walkers from MUMC - friends of Rod's. They too were heading for the Arthurs.

Above - The Oxo men - led by Jon Miller (on the right)

Above - In bad weather we walked down to Junction Creek. A lot of people stayed in the (then) 3 sided shelter. Col and myself camped around the back.

Above - Lighting a fire

Above - Col filling in some time

Above - Rod. The others had all set up tents outside by now

Above - "Inspecting the wicket" - the  weather was coming over in squalls - so we did get a few fine patches - lasting perhaps for 30 minutes. But there was a steady westerly air stream as a constant stream of fronts went over.

While we were sitting out the weather - some parties were retreating off the Western Arthurs with broken tent poles and wands.

Above - Filling in time

Above - On about day 4 - the Oxo men crack  -and decide that the weather was on the mend - so they set off up Moraine A. We decide to follow - but only with day packs.

Above - Col on Moraine A

Above - Vegetation at the top of Moraine A

Above - Climbing Mt Hesperus

Above - Lake Fortuna

Above - Rod and Col on the summit of Hesperus

Above - Looking along the Western Arthurs

Above - Dave on the summit - from a photo taken by one of the others

Above - Dave back at the Junction Creek shelter

Above - Hmm.... looks like more bad weather

Above - Hmmm.... Doesn't look too good.

The next day we head back to Scotts Peak Dam and hitch to Hobart.

Above - A last view of the Arthurs from Scotts Peak Dam

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