Wolli Creek Fungi - 12 July 2014

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

This was a field activity organised through the Sydney Fungal Studies Group Incorporated together with Wolli Creek Preservation Society. These photos show only a small proportion of what was found by the group on the day.

Above - A rare earthstar type puffball - Myriostoma coliforme. It has many holes that release spores

Above - Myriostoma coliforme

Above - Myriostoma coliforme

Above - Another type of Earth Star

Above - This is a giant bolete (Phlebopus marginatus) - about 20 cm in diameter.

Above - Phlebopus marginatus

Above - Very rare and critically endangered - Hygrocybe austropratensis

Above - Very tiny cup fungi on a small stick. These were very hard to see with the naked eye!

Above - Another strange fungus growing on a stick. It had tiny teeth when viewed closer.

Above - Lichen

Above - A large soft puffball (Calvatia lilacina?)

Above - A light touch will cause it to puff out spores

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