Bola Creek - Royal National Park - Nature Walk - 25 February 2016

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Digi Dave and myself headed down to Bola Creek at Royal National Park for a day of photography.

Above - we noticed a few of these insect shells sitting on the ferns

Above - slime mould

Above - perhaps a robber fly

Above - I thought this was an old mile marker, but now I think this is unlikely.

Above - One of many yabbie holes. There were quite a few of these high up on bank, well above the creek. Most of the holes were 3-4 cm wide but a few were about 15 cm wide.

Above - Water Dragon - Intellagama lesueurii

Above - Water Dragon - Intellagama lesueurii

Above - Juvenile Collared Sparrowhawk - Accipiter cirrocephalus (Thanks Craig Bender for the id)

Above - we had gone to look for fungi, but these were about the only ones we found.

Above - Bola Creek

Above - Bola Creek

Above - Bola Creek

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