New Zealand - 2015

Kepler Mountains Walk -25 - 27 February 2015

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - Wendy, Dave

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Above - Approaching Luxmore Hut

Above - climbing above the mits, Mt Luxmore (right of centre) beckons

Above - time for a few photos

Above - panormama

Above - South Island Edelweiss - Leucogenes grandiceps

Above - Panorama 1 - looking south from Mt Luxmore

Above - Panorama 2 - looking west and north from Mt Luxmore

Above - Takatimu Mountains from Mt Luxmore

Above - Wendy near the summit of Mt Luxmore

Above - Wendy

Above - Dave

Above - heading down

Above - its a short side trip from Luxmore Hut to Luxmore Caves - interesting limestone caves

Above - lichen

Above - lichen

Above - perhaps an old Callistoma rodwayii? (puffball)

Above - jelly fungi - Dacryopinax spathularius

Above - Black Tooth - Phellodon sinclairii

Above - Wendy relaxing at Brod Point on Lake Te Anau

Above - Clavicorona piperata

Above - Lake Te Anau

Above - Black Tooth - Phellodon sinclairii

Above - a bolete - Suillus granulatus?

Above - boletes constrained by the log so they look strange with their undersides exposed - Tylopilus formosus

Above - plenty of these were out - Amanita muscaria

Above - Hypholoma brunneum

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