Wolli Creek - Fungi - 8 April 2017

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

This was a joint activity of the Sydney Fungal Studies Group Inc and the Wolli Creek Preservation Society.

Above - Rickenella fibula

Above - Slime mould

Above - Amanita punctata

Above - Parasola plicatilis

Above - Russula sp

Above - ?

Above -  Omphalotus nidiformis. I took a small sample of this home and later photographed it in the dark - see last two photos)

Above - Rigidoporus laetus

Above - Geastrum triplex

Above - Cruentomycena viscidocruenta

Above - Amauroderma rude

Above - Perhaps Rigidoporus laetus?

Above - Perhaps Postia pelliculosa

Above - ?

Above - Collybia eucalyptorum

Above - Entoloma sp

Above - Puffball - Scleroderma sp

Above - Delicatula integrella

Above - Coprinus sp (perhaps Coprinus comatus)

Above - Perhaps Hypocrea sulphuria

Above - Dacryopinax spathularia

Above - Auricularia auricula-judae

Above - ?

Above - Collybia eucalyptorum

Above - Entoloma sp

Above - Back at the picnic tables of Girrahween Park - we set out to identify what we had found.

Above - Different species of Earth Stars

Above - Hygrocybe austropratensis

Above - Clavulina vinaceocervina

Above -  Omphalotus nidiformis. Glowing in the dark.

Above -  Omphalotus nidiformis.

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