Bola Creek - Fungi - 13 May 2017

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

This was a field activity organised by the Sydney Fungal Studies Group Inc.

Above - Armillaria sp

Above - Oudemanseilla gigaspora

Above - Pseudohydnum gelatinosum

Above - Clauvulinopsis amoena

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Clauvulinopsis amoena

Above - Clauvulinopsis amoena

Above - Clauvulinopsis amoena

Above - Russula rosea

Above - Clauvulinopsis sulcata

Above - Gliophorus graminicolor

Above - Gliophorus graminicolor

Above - Nomuraea atypicola

Above - Perhaps a developing Aleurina ferruginea

Above - Clavulinopsis amoena

Above - Porpolomopsis lewelliniae

Above - Craterellus cornucopioides

Above - Discinella terrestris

Above - Ramaria anziana

Above - Cuphophyllus virgineus

Above - Hygrocybe austropratensis

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Clavulina cristata

Above - Clavulina cristata

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Clavulinopsis amoena

Above - Clavaria zollingeri

Above - Gliophorus chromolimoneus

Above - Gliophorus chromolimoneus

Above - Hygrocybe aurantiopallens with some very tiny cups (probably Mollisia aff cineraea - thanks judith Gover for the id) behind growing on a stump

Above - Hygrocybe aurantiopallens with some very tiny cups (Mollisia aff cineraea) behind growing on a stump

Above - Old Hygrocybe sp, perhaps Hygrocybe astatogala

Above - Hygrocybe auratiopallens

Above - Very tiny cups/discs growing on wood. Possibly Chromocyphella muscicola.

Above - Very tiny cups/discs growing on wood

Above - Probably Hygrocybe sp. This interesting species had a very sticky touch. They were found by Liz Kabanoff. It now looks like they could be Gliophorus (Hygrocybe) iropus

Above - Tubaria rufofulva

Above - Mycena sp

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